This session will provide an overview of Cost Risk Analysis (CRA) and describe how it can be an invaluable tool to help your keep projects on time and on budget. Cost Risk Analysis is a proven process that adds significant value to the infrastructure assessment process by providing:
La recherche des besoins cilents est activité majeure et complexe dans le processus de développement de produits.
Durant cette présentation Madame Anny St-Pierre de l’Institut de produits présentera les principes et l’application de la méthodologie OUT COMR DRIVEN INNOVATION. Cette démarche permet de bien comprendre les besoins du client , étape cruciale dans tout développement de nouveaux produits.
M Hieu Nguyen de la firme Nguyen –Parrot présentera ensuite l’application de l’Analyse fonctionnelle amènera aussi à des résultats très similaires.
Three examples of risk analysis at different stages of the procurement will be discussed.
Nguyen-Parrot is a firm involved mostly in product development using value tools among others. This presentation covers the how to implement a VE program, as well as some of the lessons learned in doing so.
Cette présentation a inclus des définitions, l'histoire, les bénéfices, et les méthodologies d'analyse de la valeur.
This presentation will discuss how WSDOT has evolved in the area of risk management. WSDOT started out using the 90% confidence factor for budgeting purposes which resulted in project managers doing very little to mitigate identified risks and also allowed scope creep. What percentile should be budgeted is a question that is often asked and not easily answered. Risk reserve budgeting is WSDOT's approach to encouraging aggressive risk management and transparency. Transparency and accountability to the public and legislature is very important to WSDOT. Risk reserves at the program level will also be discussed.
Programme: Risk Reserve Budgeting at WSDOT
The McGill University Value Engineering Workshop provides a unique forum for the interaction of students and industry towards solving a real world problem given by a company. All participants learn the value engineering (VE) methodology, but mostly they learn cooperation and a team approach to solving problems. The mutual exposure raises the engineering professionalism of the students, provides solutions to problems for companies, and contributes to the education process. Companies of all sizes have participated in the workshop over the years, obtaining significant value enhancement to product design, manufacturing processes and services, as well as learning the VE methodology. Typical VE projects are described and some pedagogical benefits of the way the course is organized are given.
Programme: The VE Workshop at McGill University - Benefits for Students and Industry
The purpose of this VE study was to review the proposed Highway 407 mainline in the vicinity of existing Highway 35/115 area south of Peterborough, including the proposed freeway to freeway interchange connections. The original plans called for full freeway connections between new Highway 407 and existing Highway 35/115 and significant upgrading of existing 35/115 to the 35/115 split. During the 3 day workshop, the VE team reviewed the functional requirements and identified opportunities to eliminate about 1/3 of the original $300M estimated cost.
Programme: A Big Win A Highway 407 VE Success Story
In response to the need to enhance the school facility planning process in Alberta and ensure that the scope of the recommended capital projects are supported by the boards and meet the requirements of the province, a Value Management approach was introduced to reach consensus on complex school capital projects. In the past three years 15 Value Management processes were undertaken across the province, of which 6 received funding approvals and are at a different stage of construction. The other 10 projects were identified as high priority projects and will be considered for approval when funds become available. The process has been viewed very favorably and gained the support of local authorities as well as at the provincial level. It includes development of a shared vision for the project, a joint creation of options, analysis of program, cost and community implications and signing on the desired course of action.
Programme: Alberta's Use of VM to Build a Value Based Consensus on Project Scope
A rural Alberta public school jurisdiction's experience of Value Scoping for the Redevelopment of Schools. A partnering process to focus the Project Team in a creative environment on defining project requirements, while balancing goals and objectives within available resources for the entire project scope.
This presentation demonstrates how risk analysis was successfully applied early in the design process to identify and mitigate significant schedule and cost risks. Three major project risks were identified during the Risk Assessment workshop and mitigated using design modifications, phasing / staging strategy changes and overall program revisions. The presentation will outline the base case, details of the risks, originally suggested mitigation and the final implemented mitigation. The results from the Cost / Schedule Risk Assessment were a key tool for demonstrating the need for major design changes to Ministry of Transportation Senior Management and reducing the overall risk to the project construction value and schedule.
Programme: Better Projects Through Risk Analysis Highway 69 Four Laning
The Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) is currently planning to renovate the Louis-Hyppolite Lafontaine bridge-tunnel in Montréal. The purpose of the project is to upgrade the tunnel’s safety level in the event of a fire to allow people to be evacuated by means of an emergency exit that complies with the standards applicable to road tunnels with an acceptable risk level for such infrastructures. The Ministère would like to determine the acceptable risk level based on a rigorous methodological process.
The project is currently at the feasibility analysis stage. The project team members have performed a value analysis to ensure that the project will meet the stated needs cost-effectively while improving the bridge’s functionalities and reducing the risks and consequences of any incidents.
The originality of the proposed approach stems from the fusion of two established and internationally recognized methodologies: Value analysis and Risk analysis (or Specific Hazard Investigation).
The risk analysis was inspired by the booklet 4 of the Guide to road tunnel safety documentation.
This guide is intended to give the players involved a common understanding of the way in which these structures work, their environment and their action required in order to ensure safety.
This European method was developed in connection with a joint research project of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and l’Association internationale permanente des congrès de la route (AIPCR) also called World Road Association (PIARC) with financial participation from the European Union. This method considers the tunnel as being a global system made up of users, the infrastructure itself with its equipment and environment, the operator, in addition to the intervention and emergency services. A function model (cornerstone of VA) was developed by the team. A disaster scenario was simulated and the tunnel’s performance evaluated for each function. The analysis revealed functions that need to be improved and a brainstorming session provided innovative solutions to improve user safety. A comparative analysis of scenarios made it possible to recommend a best possible scenario, i.e., the one that was the most cost-effective in meeting the stated needs.
Programme: Risk and Value Analysis Methodology Used for The Refurbishment of an Urban Tunnel
Programme: Comment améliorer la Carte Opus: Atelier en innovation et gestion de la valeur
Comment améliorer la carte Opus par l’analyse fonctionnelle?
Les auteurs décrivent le contexte de l’étude, qui vise à réduire le temps d’attente et prévenir les bris d’équipements utilisés pour la recharge et la lecture des cartes Opus. La méthode FAST permet de réaliser la validation et l’élaboration du modèle, qui fait suite à l’analyse des coûts actuels du système de carte Opus. La valeur des fonctions est chiffrée selon l’indice de valeur technologique, ce qui alimente la recherche de solutions innovatrices pour désengorger les appareils du système de paiement des titres de transport de l’AMT.
The presentation will provide an overview of the results of the recent value engineering review of the West Transitway expansion project in Ottawa. An exclusive transit corridor for Bus Rapid Transit (convertible to Light Rail) to be constructed thru an established urban environment. The project value has been estimated at $140 million. This VE review assessed the staging of the extension of the transitway system and the previous EA recommendations that included a tunnelled section of transitway.
Programme: VE enabling new directions in the West Transitway Tunnel Ottawa
Suite au diagnostique d’écoconception réalisé en Mars 2007, les Industries Mailhot, une entreprise oeuvrant dans la conception et la fabrication des vérin télescopiques a entrepris un virage majeur qui est : Instaurer des stratégies de récupération des produits en fin de vie. Pour ce faire un premier projet a été lancé dans lequel les méthodologies telles que l’analyse fonctionnelle, le Design for de assembly, la créativité… ont été appliquées.
Avec les résultats obtenus : 50% de réduction des coûts de fabrication, le produit peut être reconditionné plusieurs fois,…les Industries Mailhot a statué que tous ces produits futures devront désormais respecter les principes d’écoconception.
Programme: Un Cas Connect de Développement de produits écologiques-les industries mailhot
This presentation will talk about a new procurement process that helps achieve a better fit between the owner’s needs and project viability and financiability than traditional procurement methods. This approach addresses project risk and allocates the risk where it is best managed.
Programme: The Value of P3s in the Mid-Currituck Crossing in North Carolina
Management of medium to large complex procurement and integration projects is a difficult challenge. Project staff need to focus on what is important to control versus what is easy to control. The ability to distinguish key or emergent issues and risks within a project significantly improves the chances of successful project execution. This is difficult as project staff tend to be overloaded as they are actively involved in a number of simultaneous and critical tasks. Stakeholders as a result may develop a narrow focus on risk exposing the program to delays, negative financial impacts, and damage to the organization’s reputation.
Event Based Risk Management (EBRM) is a technique to assist the Project Manager to overcome these issues. The goal of this presentation is to describe EBRM and to assist the participants in understanding the concept of how to use this technique as part of the overall project management solution.
The Ministry of Transportation recently launched a new VA training strategy to:
The response has been overwhelming with requests for the training Ontario Public Service wide.
Learn what MTO is doing differently; why the course earned a gold medal from the Canadian Society of Training and Development; and how you can do the same for your organization.
Programme: Value Analysis in Action - Launching a new approach to VA training
Ronald F Blanchet souhaite partager avec les participants ses expériences d’apprentissage de la méthode d’analyse de la valeur au sein de différentes organisations, son utilisation avec d’autres approches d’optimisation de projets et les leçons apprises au cours des quinze dernières années d’activités professionnelles d’ingénieur.
Il a été d’abord curieux de connaître la philosophie et la méthode d’analyse de la valeur, et ce, compte tenu de sa formation complémentaire acquise en gestion de projets, gestion de la qualité, gestion du risque et en management de la technologie : il cherchait à savoir comment l’analyse de la valeur pouvait se distinguer des autres méthodes afin de l’appliquer à bon escient à différents projets d’infrastructures et autres dossiers connexes.
La présentation visera à préciser l’utilisation faite de la méthode au rythme des mandats, en vue d’en tirer le plus d’avantages possibles, comme il était largement souligné par de nombreux praticiens de différents domaines.
À titre indicatif, le conférencier soulignera les résultats de ses interventions comme animateur ou initiateur de projets liés en grande partie au domaine des infrastructures de transport, de réseaux de services publics ou bien encore pour de dossiers de gestion connexes.
Voici des exemples qui seront abordés :
- revue de conception d’un projet routier impliquant plusieurs disciplines d’ingénierie ;
- amélioration de la performance des bordures de rue ;
- révision de normes pour ouvrages routiers ;
- conception conjointe pour la conception de projets d’infrastructures impliquant plusieurs clients ;
- amélioration de la sécurité aux intersections rail-route ;
- élaboration d’un Cahier de charges fonctionnelles et d’une approche d’ingénierie conjointe pour l’installation de conduits de services publics sur les ponts routiers ;
- liens entre l’analyse de la valeur et les neuf domaines de connaissances du ( PMI ) Project management Institut;
- développement des compétences pour traiter des projets d’infrastructures de plus en plus complexes et impliquant plusieurs professions;
L’analyse de la valeur lui a permis de développer une acuité à percevoir les opportunités d’améliorer la conception et la réalisation de projets, en début d’analyse des dits projets que ce soit pour réduire la période de préparation des projets, augmenter la performance de certaines composantes et bien souvent réduire des coûts dans le cycle global desdits projets.