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2022 Symposium - Delivering Value Through Diversity
Conference Archive > 2022 Symposium - Delivering Value Through Diversity
Author : Paul Scarbrough, PhD, Professor, Goodman School of Business, Brock University
Description : The structural process of making decisions has a high probability of conflict and hostility if the process does not work. This leads to the Diversity Paradox: Increased diversity always leads to more ideas that do not survive the process, and thus more potential conflict. Value Management is a reliable, and robust process that channels diverse teams to reach a common understanding of needs without reference to the current solution. Facilitated VM specializes in inclusion of diverse stakeholder ideas to solve big problems. 

In Value Management, a series of analytical and creative steps overcomes the Diversity Paradox, team members become flexible in perspective, welcome new ideas and reach agreement on new solutions.
Author : Anand Ramdien, Coordinator Value Management
Description : In the 20 years of applying VE in The Netherlands at two major public buyer we have conducted over 500 value studies. And still there is a long way to go to the point where VE is common practise in these organization. We as VE managers and practitioners know that it’s difficult to implement VE in any given organization. Due to its political nature, implementing VE in a governmental organization is far more challenging. In this presentation the challenges faced in implementing VE at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment  and how they were overcome.

Author : Saipol Bari, Education Development Director, Institute of Value Management Malaysia (IVMM)
Description : The concept of value management (VM) was first introduced in Malaysia in the late 1980s, of which the idea of implementing it has been promoted by various concerned parties until today. Promoting VM applications requires continuous support from the Government beside the establishment of a set guideline of its implementation. The Institute of Value Management Malaysia (IVMM) was established in 2000 to govern and promote the implementation of VM in Malaysia to both public and private sectors. The Malaysian Government supports the implementation of VM by making it mandatory for public projects valued MYR50 million and above. VM has also been made mandatory by several Government-Linked companies. To date, Malaysia has saved billions through the implementation of VM.
Author : Brian Bedford, B.Sc. (Env.) B.Ed, Executive Director, BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Description : For complex projects local governments will often seek senior government funding support through infrastructure programs. In British Columbia the programs have a policy in place where projects that meet the criteria are required to undertake value analysis to optimize the project and ensure funding is effectively spent. In theory the application of value analysis in conjunction with a funding program is sound, benefiting both the project proponent and the funding agency. We will explore the benefits and challenges of this approach through case studies of approved projects. 
Author : Marie-Claude LeSauteur, Architect, M.Sc.A., PA LEED, PMP
Description : Adopted by the municipal council in August 2022, the revised Project and Program Governance Framework is aligned with the City’s vision to optimize and standardize investments and benefits for citizens. The presentation shows how value analysis at the portfolio, program and project levels are integrated in the framework and how it helps serve a diverse population with diverse needs. 
Author : Rahul Nagalkar, CVS, MBA, VM Program Manager, Portfolio Office, Sound Transit
Description : Value Methodology (VM) provides an excellent means to facilitate an Operability Assessment (OA) using the SAVE International Job Plan. This presentation describes a new process to conduct a structured evaluation of a project’s (i.e., a transit expansion project’s) ability to effectively activate and operate via a series of collaborative, cross functional workshops attended by representatives from various organizational departments. 
Author : Corey White, PE, CVS, PMP, Deputy Chief Value Officer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Description : A critical, yet often overlooked, element to the success of VM/VE work is the role of the person managing the VM/VE effort for the customer. This presentation will discuss the importance of diversity in perspective as a common thread in the roles and responsibilities of a government/customer Value Program Manager.

The presentation includes the decision points that *must* consider diversity to enhance the chances of success, including staffing of the Value Program Manager position, Value Study strategy determination, and the use of VM/VE to improve the government/customer program itself.
Author : Hein De Jong and Alvin Tehmono
Description : Value Engineering can be considered one of the innovations in the decision-making process. Over the years, value engineering evolved into value management but the main essence of Innovation consistently remains. VE was introduced in Indonesia around the 1980s, with seminars, workshops, and several governmental projects that implemented VE. Despite several value engineering regulations produced, a formal VE study (using the job plan including function analysis) were rarely conducted, and there was low demand for formal VE studies.

In 2022, a new regulation of VE was introduced, requiring formal VE studies to be conducted with a certain threshold of the project cost. This presentation relates the growth of VE in Indonesia and model the development with the Gartner Hype Cycle theory.
Author : Mike Tozer, P.Eng., VMA
Description : One of the biggest systemic barriers faced by employees in larger organizations is unclear accountabilities and expectations. It can lead to duplication of effort, confusion on roles and responsibilities, lack of alignment on goals, objectives and priorities, and excessive workload. In an attempt to increase organizational effectiveness, Enbridge Liquids Pipelines is seeking to tackle this barrier by first examining the functions performed by its core groups, which will provide a baseline and shed light on opportunities to challenge the status quo. The plan is to understand what functions need to be performed, map them out and assess the allocation of resources currently required. Many of these core groups work closely together and rely on each other for input or services. Once the functions of the groups are collectively understood, a cross-functional team of stakeholders will examine expectation levels and needs to identify ways of achieving the desired outcomes using fewer resources. Ideally this exercise will result in a more effective organization with increased employee capacity. 
Author : Sebastian Meindl, PVM, TVM, CVS®
Description : This presentation highlights he history of VA/VE in Germany, the implementation of VA/VE in the Association of Engineers and typical application of the methodology, particularly in manufacturing.  Many different industrial examples highlight the impact of the application of VA/VE in industry and manufacturing. VE in Germany is primarily applied in the industrial space and there is strong support within the Association of Engineers for VE. 
Author : Samaher Chekir, Director R&D, Kik Consumer Products Group
Description : The presentation shows the process and the results of a value analysis workshop, which took place at Lavo regarding dish detergent. This first experience with VA allowed Lavo to identify cost reductions that were important to maintain the company’s competitiveness.Lavo is a company from the Kik Consumer Products Group.
Author : Jean-René Gagnon, Process engineering Lead and Patrice Quintin, P.Eng, Mechanical engineering lead
Description : The presentation highlighted how PryoGenesis, a world leader in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes, worked with McGill University's Value Engineering Program. PryoGenesis fabricates plasma torches which are in high demand as they use clean electricity to generate high temperatures, replacing the use of fossil fuel torches.  PryoGenesis submitted the optimization of a Gas Cabinet and a Cooling Skid to the McGill Value Engineering program. The Value Engineering study by McGill University engineering students resulted in optimization of the fabrication of the Gas Cabinet and Cooling skids. The students brought new ideas and current knowledge to the project, PryoGenesis brought engineering experience to the study. 
Author : Martyn Phillips, P.Eng., CVS-Life
Description : Programs and projects can deviate from their intended paths for a variety of reasons, especially over protracted periods of time. Many management techniques are available, but there can be issues with defining optimal value schemes from the outset, or in maintaining optimal value for the duration of the complete life cycle (from proof of concept, through scale-up and master planning to implementation and service delivery).

This presentation illustrates a holistic approach to planning and optimization for a variety undertakings. It uses a systematic, business-oriented process to inspire stakeholder confidence and supportable change proposals in remarkably short time.

Martyn Phillips has a long history of guiding program / project success and change management for many different types of endeavors around the globe. His presentation may challenge viewpoints of some practitioners and observers. 
Author : Cédric Berger, Chairman of Value University, Archamps, France
Description : *First World Presentation*Based on diversity of point of view (Business Analysis, Value Engineering and Design Thinking tools and techniques) and from Value University Research, Value Design Compass™ provide a framework to (re) design your solution with success and ensure to create sustainable value.

 TVO (Total Value of Ownership) is also defined and explained.