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Conference Archive > 2020 Symposium - Creative Solutions for Challenging Times
Author : Dr. Azzeddine Oudjehane
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VE or Value Engineering is generally used in construction project management to present alternatives and strategies that can be implemented to solve problems, decrease cost and optimize quality.The decision making is often related to an optimum cost or value, however, at a time where climate change challenges mandate building resilient and less impactful infrastructure, it is critical for the construction sector to adopt systemic integration of sustainability impact factors to support the approval process of proposed construction projects.In addition to reviewing how the Value Engineering process may integrate sustainable impact factors, this presentation will look at the choice by advantages method (CBA method) to support the decision making of project managers following. Making the case for sustainable construction using mass timber will be showcased using the CBA method evaluation of alternatives.

Participants to this talk are expected to:
• Recognize sustainability impact factors in construction
• Correlate VE evaluation to sustainability in construction
• Define the “Choosing by Advantages” CBA method
• Integrate the CBA method to a VE case study

Title : Delivering VE success virtually. (mp4 | 2020 | MEMBER-ONLY | #538)
Author : Renee Hoekstra
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Tips and Techniques to lead virtual VE studies, maintain the energy of the team and create connections. 
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Author : Steven Taylor
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Where is the market for our value services in times of reduced personal contact meetings? In this presentation Mr. Taylor will describe opportunities for project delivery where the use of smaller teams for constructability or value engineering can be completed using web based techniques to deliver more cost effect projects. The presentation will describe projects that have been completed pretender and post tender to achieve cost control in time where we also are face with affordability issues for municipalities. In the future these can be completed via web based interfaces.

Title : Integration of VM-Lean methodologies (mp4 | 2020 | MEMBER-ONLY | #536)
Author : Dr. Mike Mladjenovic
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In today’s rapidly changing, complex, and global environment, the ability to create value through innovative products and services, faster and more profitably than competitors is a matter of survival and sustained success. That goal and objective of sustainable value creation and retention can be achieved only by implementing simultaneously Value Engineering, , Lean and Six Sigma methodologies that share common scientific methodology-based Structure.

This session will highlight key characteristics of development and implementation or Organizational Excellence architecture based on integration of Value Engineering, Lean, and Six Sigma methodologies and tools.


Author : P.Arjunraj
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In this present COVID 19 situations all countries must realize the importance of localization of products, goods, services, projects and processes. As the Import from other countries will have a drastic decline everyone should look for localization. One important sector that all countries should concentrate in this current situation is Agricultural sector. Human beings need Vegetables, Fruits, herbal plants that will increase the immunity against Coronavirus and any other diseases. This paper depicts the real case study of using creative solutions in challenging environment through localization using Value Engineering in Agriculture land of 100 acres. The fruits, Vegetables and herbal plants are been selected considering project scope of cultivation. The Irrigation system, livestock, diary farming are also considered in the scope of the project. The proper utilization of resources, procurement, inventory management and proper planning in 100 acres of agricultural land had resulted in the cultivation which will help for increasing the immunity. The Value Methodology job plan function analysis are carried out to achieve the cultivation. The Value Engineering using the concept of localization helped to achieve Make in India/Made in India. The Function and Creative approach resulted in the overall value improvement, profit and benefits to the customer.

Author : Amin Sarang and Tarkan Alisoltani
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In developing countries, it is highly demanded to implement Value Methodology (VM) mostly those promoting this method aligned with SAVE from three past decade. In this presentation, the authors share their experiences and lessons learned from the perspective of initiating through implementing VM in the Middle East.

The presentation explores three levels of lesson learn in this region including VM projects, programs, and related regulations which aligned with information and knowledge, crowd wisdom pyramid, as well as emphasizing on VM programs. These lesson learns demonstrated via a few examples of the successful VM comprehensive programs such as MOMRA, MAVARA, FARASHAHR.

In light of the high tendency for VM training and educating in developing countries, the programs support localized and culturally accredited training from public to expert level and subsequently training lots of people with lower cost. Moreover, the program is a rolling wave plan helping government and private sectors from initiating VM through how to catch basic client needs to implementing by using adjusted VM Job Plan in repeatable small problems and unique big projects, coinciding mentioned engaging lessons, especially in municipalities.

In conclusion, the reliability of the decisions of those people based on their experiences with VM during the current pandemic situation as one of the challenging issues which necessitated creative solutions, is discussed.


Author : Roderick M. Planta
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Author : Hein de Jong
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The application of Value Engineering can be very rewarding for low, middle and high income countries. When you are reading this, you probably live in a high income country. Is the effectiveness of VE hard to imagine, in countries where there are a lack of education, lack of data, inefficient and untraceable project planning processes, and where every dollar counts -at least- double? And would VE be applied differently there?

How to close the gap in demand and supply of VE-capabilities, created by on the one hand enlightened rulers, managers and contracting agencies who strive to improve and stimulate nations in transition (but don’t know value engineering), and on the other hand knowledgeable but expensive VE-trainers and VE-consultants in the richer parts of the world who are willing to help?

This presentation will take you on a virtual tour along the European Standards, give a brief history of VE in the Netherlands in the last 20 years, show some reasons why VE is very useful in low and middle income countries in transition, and give some solutions for faster and more effective education, based on the project of Indonesia where Hein is the leading VE trainer and value engineer. The insights are nice for everybody who is growing in his role as value engineer and to see how the same principles are applied in different contexts.


Author : David Wilson
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Transit agencies often utilize value studies in the implementation of major new capital construction projects. Value enhancement reviews of transit projects typically focus on aligning scope expectations, resolving technical concerns, lowering implementation costs, or accelerating construction schedules. The projects are typically very large, very expensive, very complex, and very controversial. The value studies often identify great opportunities to improve the design and simplify construction.

There is also an opportunity to use value reviews when rehabilitating and/or re-imagining existing transit infrastructure, such as stations. Stations may need repairs or maintenance work. Stations may need upgrading to conform to new standards or legislation. Stations may just require a needed makeover. Yet, many agencies, even those with a track record using value enhancement, overlook the opportunity to use VE for the smaller projects?like stations. They are missing out on the chance to use the value enhancement process to reinvigorate the transit user?s experience. Can VE help? Absolutely!

Stations are complex. Not just because of the structural components to create large open spaces, the architectural aspirations, or the building systems needed to operate them. Customers?dealing with customers during construction overly complicates the work more than anything. Design and staging choices are influenced by anticipated or real customer needs. In addition, corporate rebranding, technological advances, or changes in accessibility can drive some station projects. Value reviews on these smaller projects can immensely contribute to the success of the station project by looking through the customer lens.

This presentation highlights projects undertaken by several transit properties across North America and discusses how the innovative use of VE helped to refine new and existing station concepts to improve the experience of the transit user.

Author : Lucie Parrot
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The presentation will describe how this updated standard defines Value Management. It gives definitions, it explains the VM approach, it sets its principles such as function thinking and a structured holistic approach, it discusses complexity, risk and uncertainty. The standard also presents what are value drivers and what are the requirements for successful Value Management such as involvement of customers, behavior and monitoring.

The standard discusses VM at top management level. It speaks about value culture and strategy as well as how it can contribute to portfolios, programs and innovation.

It also presents VM at operational level and how the method can be used for scoping, conceptualization, optimization and redesign.

The standard then proceeds to explain how to develop VM capability, with training, development of culture, Value team leaders and a supporting structure.

The final chapter of the standard shows various methods used: Value analysis and engineering, Function Analysis, Function Cost, The Functional Performance Specification, and Design to Cost.

The presentation will be a summary of the content of the 71-page standard, available through the European Committee for Standardization.

Title : Value Management and Design Thinking (mp4 | 2020 | MEMBER-ONLY | #528)
Author : Lucie Parrot
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Value Design is the combination of 2 approaches: Value Management and Design Thinking. Both approaches want to fulfill an unsatisfied need and both have tools to do so, but somewhat incomplete. The synergy between the 2 approaches helps professionals/designers achieve even better value when designing a new product, service or process. This presentation will explain quickly what is each approach and how the combination of the 2 allows for a greater leverage of functions, cost and client satisfaction. It focuses on the best tools in each approach and how combining them improves the success of your design project.

Author : Mike Tozer
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The benefits of conducting a value study for a project vary with the point in the project lifecycle that it is performed. The optimal time is early on, during the planning stage, as the ability to influence change is high and the associated cost impacts are low. In some cases, a late stage intervention is necessary to make the project viable. This presentation discusses a pipeline facility project where a value study was performed post-design / pre-construction to enable the project to proceed.

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Author : SteVE Holmes
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 Better decisions can be made by thinking differently and using a risk informed process. There is no easy or “right answer” to selecting the best value solution but there is a “right process”. The right process is to combine Value Analysis with Risk Analysis to identify and select risk informed solutions. Value Analysis combined with Risk Analysis is a structured approach that combines creative and analytical steps to generate risk informed creative solutions. This presentation will focus on how to integrate Risk Analysis into the VA process. Both qualitative and quantitative risk analysis and integration into the VA work plan will outlined

Why risk is a key consideration for value proposals. How to integrate qualitative risk analysis into the VA job plan.



Author : Mushtaq Rabbi
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The purpose of this presentation is to share the application of Value Methodology by the City of Calgary as a standard business practice to make effective infrastructure investment decisions.

The municipal services of the City of Calgary are delivered by 33 business units. Most of these services are delivered to the citizens include some type of infrastructure.

However, when it comes to investing in new infrastructure or upgrading existing infrastructure, a focus on effectiveness is critical in a fiscally constrained environment- mitigating service risks and gaining greater value from the committed investment. The concept of value to citizens was always there. However, there was limited or no structured approach to demonstrate rigour by multi-level stakeholders, for informed decision making, option selection and prioritization or for fostering a culture of innovation. For the longest period, the traditional approach of delivering municipal programs and projects was deemed suffice by various business units as a demonstration of value-added activity.

In this presentation, the presenter/s will draw from two recent case studies on how application of VM’s structured rigour, demonstrated value and resolved multi-stakeholder decision making in municipal infrastructure investments.

Author : Narinder Bubbar
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Author : Chris Gauer
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Large Public Works, often called Mega Projects, offer unique challenges and opportunities. The opportunity involves delivery of transformational initiatives to provide needed services and benefits for public use. The challenge is that increased project size may not scale up easily or efficiently. Major Projects are susceptible to failure in terms of cost, schedule and quality, the fundamental metrics of the Value Equation. Bent Flyvbjerg in his 2017 paper, "Introduction: The Iron Law of Megaproject Management”, recants the maxim: “Over budget, over time, under benefits, over and over again.” With similar large projects proposed to stimulate the economy after this recent economic downturn, what needs to be done to achieve value in large public work initiatives.

The presentation will review a brief history of major project delivery. It will demonstrate how Canadian governments since 1995 have used Public Private Partnership (P3) procurement to ensure value in Mega Project delivery. Recent market circumstances, which are now challenging use of the P3 model in certain asset classes, will be addressed. The impact of these factors on stimulus initiatives and cautionary considerations with respect to value-based delivery will be discussed.

Author : Seshadri (Sesh) Veeraraghavan
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While agile has been used primarily to create and deliver software, its values, principles, and mindset can also be applied in many non-software areas such as HR, legal, marketing, and others.

In ideation, problem solving, and innovation too, agile has been found to be highly effective in identifying and delivering value due its iterative and incremental delivery method combined with its inspect-and-adapt approach.

In this session, Sesh will share how the Enbridge Technology + Innovation Lab accelerates value delivery by utilizing agile, design thinking, and the latest technologies.


Author : Dr Randy Neilson
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Canada’s non-profit sector, and in particular faith groups, are critical to the social fabric of our Nation and offer significant opportunities for affordable residential development to address Canada’s current housing crisis. However, the non-profit sector seldom has the experience nor expertise to utilize modern value engineering and value management protocols. It has been confirmed that through skilled VE/VM facilitators, non-profit groups can be guided to clarify the core components of their mission and develop a new mindset that allows successful future casting.

This presentation will review a brief history of successive planning and construction projects in the non-profit sector. It will demonstrate the value added through the use of VE/VM practices and challenge Canada’s non-profit and faith communities to utilize their resources to better serve their broader communities.

Author : Derek DaSilva
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The deep slide in commodity prices from 2014 to 2016 prompted Stantec to develop a value engineering program. Oil & Gas consulting has always been a competitive business, but the unrelenting pressure on fees and winning client confidence after the 2014 oil crash necessitated that we do a far better job in defining and reporting the value we bring to projects. This was also our opportunity to broaden the understanding and application of the Value Methodology in our company. This presentation looks at how our Value Management Program has evolved since its initiation in January 2017. What have we learned? How have we adjusted our model and objectives to better suit our broad client base and global workforce? Is our approach still viable within a remote and dispersed working environment between staff and our clients?


Please contact Derek for further information :

Author : Scot McClintock
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COVID-19 has forced a lot of changes upon us all and many of us have adapted accordingly. We hold meetings with folks spread around the world using technology being perfected as we go. We hold successful VE Workshops following the VE Job Plan without the client or the environment paying the price for transporting parties in, housing them in hotels, and feeding them. Is it ideal? No. Is it more sustainable? Without a doubt! What about our projects? We can shine the value light on any subject. It’s time to shine it on sustainability as part of our value equation. Sustainable projects can provide better value over their life cycle, doing their part to save the world around them.

Author : Mike Pearsall
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Author : Tom Fletcher
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Value Analysis Canada was formed in 1993 to promote the application of Value Methodologies in Canada. VA/VM provides a structured approach to assist organizations (public or private) document their needs in a clear and concise manner and determine the costs to achieve their goals. The opening comments and presentation will include a history of the VAC in Canada, the progress that has been made over the past 28 years and the future opportunities that exist. VAC is a non- profit organization and is managed by a volunteer board with representation from across Canada.
