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2007 CSVA Conference > Infrastructure
Author : Francine Constantineau
Description : Presentation to the Construction and Leadership Conference regarding the use of Value Engineering on construction projects. Presentation includes a useful table showing integration of Value Analysis into the project management process.
Author : Dave Jull
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Author : Warren Knowles
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It is sometimes thought that value analysis/value engineering (VA/VE) is (or should be) already a part of the traditional design process. Those who subscribe to this view believe that if performance is enhanced through a VA/VE study, or if cost savings are discovered, it is due to a defect or oversight by the design team.

VA/VE professionals contend that the value analysis process (or value engineering methodology) is a distinct process that is not a part of the traditional design process, and therefore will often result in project performance enhancements, cost savings or both; and, such results are not a defect or oversight by the design team. This is particularly true in the transportation construction industry where the traditional design process and design solutions are highly standardized.

The author’s experience supports the latter view. This presentation provides six specific, accepted value proposals that the author believes would never have been developed by the traditional design process. These value proposals help explain why VA/VE often discovers cost-saving, equivalent-function solutions that the traditional design process generally does not. Thus, VA/VE should not be considered redundant to the traditional design process, nor a threat. Rather, VA/VE should be considered a welcome partner.

Author : Dorine Cleton
Description : The City Council of Rotterdam wanted to redevelop a low income densely populated area of the city using a public private partnership with a short timeline.  Value Engineering was used as a method to improve the plans of the project and to prevent time consuming law suits from stakeholders. This paper shows how Value Engienering together with a mediated Public Private Neighbourhood Partnership was used to involve the community and resulted in beneficial changes to the bus network at the Netherlands busiest bus transit station. . 
Urban redevelopment has significant impact on the lives of the people in the designated area and many of these projects are received with distrust and resistance. PPBS is a special form of mediation dedicated to urban development projects. The purpose of PPBS is to avoid these emotions, by bringing together the stakeholders in an early stage of a project. Value Engineering played a decisive role in this project as the main part of PPBS.

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Author : Serge Boileau & Lucie Parrot
Description : Describes how  the Centre for Expertise and Research on Infrastructure in Urban Areas  in Quebec used Value Engineering and Functional Performance Specification (FPS) to develop a method of anchoring different utilities on bridges. Prior to the Value Engineering and FPS study, there was no agreement on how utilities should be mounted on the bridges. The utility companies undertook an FPS workshop, developing an interactions diagram, a functional tree, and a protocol for sharing space on bridges. The author notes that Value Engineering was the most important tool to reach the results because:
  • VE forces a common approach
  • Provides an objective framework
  • Facilitates comparative evaluation of systems on a function basis (what it does) as opposed to a technical basis
  • Results in standardization of approaches
  • Results in a major improvement in partner relationships
Author : Chris Gauer
Description : This presentation addresses  the role of VE in Alternative Delivery. Design Build and P3 projects require designers and contractors to be innovative in the project procurement phase. Once the project is won, the challenge continues in terms of providing value, meeting the Design Build Agreement requirements, while affording cost savings through both formal and informal VE practises.
Author : Azzeddine Oudjehane, Ph.D.
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Author : Hubert Dubois, CIMA
Description : The paper discusses the use of a Functional Performance Specification to  assess the priorities arising from the results of hazard investigation of two road tunnels in Montreal. Each function of the tunnel is included in the functional analysis to create a “CRINIFLEX” matrix (“CRItère” - criteria, “NIveau” - level, “FLEXibilité” - flexibility) to determine actual performance with the aim of elaborating a holistic solution. The paper demonstrated how the CRINIFLEX was developed in relation with the specific functions of a tunnel and how it is linked with the existing conditions of the infrastructure. 
Author : Andrew Hachborn, Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd.
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Author : Scot McClintock, Team Focus USA
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Author : Boileau, Serge
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Author : Jeffrey Weatherill, EHE International Inc.
Description : Value management in the health care system.
Author : Paul Westbrook, Hanscomb
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Title : VM in Hungary (PDF | 2010 | #351)
Author : Gabriella Gal
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  • How to design a safe and optimal Nuclear Waste Repository?
  • How to integrate Gypsy People to the Hungarian society?
  • How to ensure that the government’s national autism strategy is favouring each party involved?
  • How to guarantee that a bank’s credit approval practice meets the processing time requirements?
  • How to integrate the value-culture to a country’s legislation system?

These are some of the “million dollar questions” that the Hungarian Value Engineers were facing during the last couple of years. The presentation will introduce the Hungarian VE trends as well as demonstrate a selection of VE project results.
