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VA in Depth (Advanced VM) > FPS Case Studies
Author : Ted Lane, P.Eng., AVS, MTO
Description : Increasingly, public and private organizations are challenged to address growing demands to deliver products and services while human resources remain constant or are reduced. Value Analysis is a proven methodology to identify creative alternative solutions to products, projects, processes and organizations. This presentation describes the application of Value Analysis to enable organizations to understand their business and goals in terms of Functions and Business Needs, independent of existing processes, systems and organizations and to identify new and creative opportunities to best meet these challenges within the constraints of available resources.
Author : Tom Fletcher, Joseph Aracaro
Description : Presentation demonstrates how Functional Performance Specification was integrated into the VE process to enable the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to examine winter maintenance issues and problems in a particularly difficult location in Northern Ontario. A failure modes and events analysis (FEMA) was incorporated into the VE study job plan to enable the team to identify areas of risk with winter maintenance. The use of VE, FPS and FEMA was shown to be effective in examining complex issues and evaluating complex scenarios.
Author : Chantal Gadbois and Richard Vezina
Description : A health and social services agency for youth mandated under the Youth Protection Act was instructed by a government appointed observer to set out and clarify the role and responsibilities for the Board of Directors and senior management. A legal framework which sets out the governance parameters of a youth centre, and a  model was built setting out the strategic, tactical and operations aspects of the board of directors’ mission using value management/functional performance specification. For each of the functions, discussion topics were developed to clearly define the role and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and senior management.  The main results of this initiative are set out in this paper.
Author : Roger Giroux, Director General of Protection for the Public Curator of Quebec
Description : Paper describes approach used to restructure Quebec ministries using value analysis and functional performance specification. The restructuring of the Welfare Ministry and Correctional Services occurred during downsizing and budget cuts and Value Analysis enable a quick and successful transformation.
Author : Hubert Dubois, CIMA
Description : The paper discusses the use of a Functional Performance Specification to  assess the priorities arising from the results of hazard investigation of two road tunnels in Montreal. Each function of the tunnel is included in the functional analysis to create a “CRINIFLEX” matrix (“CRItère” - criteria, “NIveau” - level, “FLEXibilité” - flexibility) to determine actual performance with the aim of elaborating a holistic solution. The paper demonstrated how the CRINIFLEX was developed in relation with the specific functions of a tunnel and how it is linked with the existing conditions of the infrastructure. 
Author : Laura Kingston
Description :

What requirements should be included in an RFP to acquire software affecting a broad spectrum of users across an organization?  How do you keep most of the users happy most of the time and spend the budget on the most beneficial functionality?  How do you educate users on the trade-offs that may need to be made to meet varying needs?  Value analysis was used to help answers these questions for two software solutions with different business histories and challenges.  This presentation will discuss how value analysis lead towards a successful procurement in both these cases, and describe the strategies used to deal with the differing challenges for both software solutions.

Author : Lori Brake
Description :
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) ensures the safe operation of commercial vehicles and operators through inspection of vehicle condition and weight compliance and operator condition at a network of inspection stations. The commercial vehicle fleet changes over time and truck inspection station designs have changed to meet these changing needs. MTO undertook a series of Functional Performance Specification and Value Management Studies in 2002-2004 to develop new Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility design concepts based on a triage concept that were endorsed by engineering and enforcement. In 2015 changes to the vehicle fleet meant that weight enforcement on SPIF (Safe Performance Infrastructure Friendly) vehicles, long combination vehicles, and occupational health and safety issues resulted in a Functional Performance Specification (FPS) study to be undertaken to redefine inspection site requirements. The value management study resulted in modified concept that improved officer safety, inspections, and inspection capacity..   
Author : Laura Kingston
Description : This presentation discusses how value analysis and functional performance specification assisted in the development of a successful IT solution implementation and supports decisions for on-going maintenance of the IT solution. What requirements are needed for software affecting a broad spectrum of users across an organization? How do you keep most of the users happy most of the time and spend the budget on the most beneficial functionality? How do you educate users on the trade-offs that may need to be made to meet varying needs? How do you make an IT project successful? How do you select what on-going enhancements should be made to the software. Value analysis was used to help answer these questions for two software solutions with different business histories and challenges.
Author : Tom Fletcher P.Eng., CVS, Scot McClintock PE, CVS (Life)
Description : Explores how Functional Performance Specification (FPS), employed to develop the standards and criteria by which the design of a bus and eventual light rail transitway in the Highway 407 Corridor will proceed, can be utilized as valuable input into follow on two Value Engineering (VE) studies on that design. Discussions will include suitability of the Functional Diagram from the FPS workshops as the functional input for the planning level VE Study as well as the need to further define function in the preliminary design level VE Study. Finally, lessons learned and recommendations for how to improve the combination of FPS and traditional VE will be presented
Author : Joseph Arcaro, Tom Fletcher
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Author : Lucie Parrot
Description : Nguyen-Parrot is a firm involved mostly in product development using value tools among others. In the past few years, product development has taken a "green" turn and sustainability must be designed into the products right from the start, to satisfy the various stakeholders. This presentation will show how sustainable development of products can be acheived using function analysis with a slight twist to it. An example will help understand the process.
Author : Richard Vezina
Description : Presentation describes how the Montreal Transit Agency, STM, used Value Analysis and Functional Performance Specification to describe the system requirements for their Metro (subway) cars.
Author : Serge Boileau & Lucie Parrot
Description : Describes how  the Centre for Expertise and Research on Infrastructure in Urban Areas  in Quebec used Value Engineering and Functional Performance Specification (FPS) to develop a method of anchoring different utilities on bridges. Prior to the Value Engineering and FPS study, there was no agreement on how utilities should be mounted on the bridges. The utility companies undertook an FPS workshop, developing an interactions diagram, a functional tree, and a protocol for sharing space on bridges. The author notes that Value Engineering was the most important tool to reach the results because:
  • VE forces a common approach
  • Provides an objective framework
  • Facilitates comparative evaluation of systems on a function basis (what it does) as opposed to a technical basis
  • Results in standardization of approaches
  • Results in a major improvement in partner relationships
Author : André Baril : STM, Richard Vézina : RCGT
Description : Value Engineering and Transit. Definition of Transit system requirements with Value Engineering. Use of advance Value Engineering technique, Functional Performance Specification, to define transit requirements, transit needs.
Presentation outlines the use of Functional Performance Specifications and House of Quality to define the requirements of the Montreal Transit Society's requirements in the purchase of $1.2 Billion of subway cars. This presentation shows how FPS was built in the project management plan to manage the acquisition of subway cars. It shows the use of FPS, and the links between the user needs as defined through FPS and how to link the FPS to detail engineering systems requirements to enable the agency to manage the project and check that contractors and sub-suppliers are meeting their requirements. Also shows lessons learned in the use of FPS for a key strategic project.
Title : Montreal Subway VE Study (N/A | 2001 | MEMBER-ONLY | #150)
Author : René Donais, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
Description : Presentation demonstrates the use of Value Analysis and FPS in the planning of the Laval extension of the Montreal Subway (Metro).  Shows how FPS helped define project needs in the first phase, scenario analysis for the subway station egress locations in phase 2 and optimization of the design and a 12 % cost savings in phase 3.
Author : Tanya Cross, Ontario Ministry of Transportation; Lucie Parrot, Quebec
Description : Presentation describes what a Functional Performance Specification (FPS) is and how a FPS helps characterize business needs, product needs, and stakeholder needs. A case study for determining the functional requirements for a truck inspection station building is highlighted. The use of FPS in determining and clarifying stakeholder requirements is demonstrated.
Author : Andrew Beal, Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Description : Presentation describes the use of Functional Performance Specification (FPS) to determine the business needs of a traffic engineering office. Demonstrates how FPS was used in determining the business needs of a traffic volume collection system, enabled the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to determine if the existing legacy computer systems could be replaced through off the shelf products or whether a new system needed to be built. See also the Ontario Ministry of Transportation article "Knowing what you Need" at
Author : Richard Vèzina, Raymond Chabot Grant Thorton, Valorex
Description : Presentation outlines use of Functional Performance Specification in government restructuring, helping the city of Montreal amalgamate formerly separate municipalities into one city. The Value Management consultant was working for the city of Montreal to combine fleet services from the different municipalities.
Author : Hieu Nguyen,
Description :

Paper shows how Functional Performance Specification was used in product development at Frigidaire
