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Developing a VM Program > Education
Author : Vince Thomson
Description : The McGill University Value Engineering Workshop provides a unique forum for the interaction of students and industry towards solving a real world problem given by a company. All participants learn the Value Engineering (VE) methodology, but mostly they learn cooperation and a team approach to solving problems. The mutual exposure raises the engineering professionalism of the students, provides solutions to problems for companies, and contributes to the education process. Companies of all sizes have participated in the workshop over the years, obtaining significant value enhancement to product design, manufacturing processes and services, as well as learning the VE methodology.
Author : George Tribe
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Author : Dr. Vince Thomson
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The McGill University Value Engineering Workshop provides a unique forum for the interaction of students and industry towards solving a real world problem given by a company. All participants learn the value engineering (VE) methodology, but mostly they learn cooperation and a team approach to solving problems. The mutual exposure raises the engineering professionalism of the students, provides solutions to problems for companies, and contributes to the education process. Companies of all sizes have participated in the workshop over the years, obtaining significant value enhancement to product design, manufacturing processes and services, as well as learning the VE methodology. Typical VE projects are described and some pedagogical benefits of the way the course is organized are given.

Programme: The VE Workshop at McGill University - Benefits for Students and Industry

Title : Delivering VE success virtually. (mp4 | 2020 | MEMBER-ONLY | #538)
Author : Renee Hoekstra
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Tips and Techniques to lead virtual VE studies, maintain the energy of the team and create connections. 
Link to presentation

Author : Dr. Faisal M. Arain,
Description : The presentation briefly identifies the competencies for baccalaureate level construction education in Alberta, and goes further into the development of a Value Engineering course for proposed BTech Construction Management (BTech CM) program at NAIT, Alberta. For developing the Value Management course within BTech CM program, a very interactive and collaborative approached was adopted. Many professionals were directly involved in the development of curriculum project ranging from Chairs and members of Curriculum Committee to Subject Matter Experts, Learning Designer, Project Manager, Writer, the Copyright Officer as well as Multimedia Developers and technical support staff. At NAIT, curriculum development at the course level is divided into two major phases:  the Course Outline phase and the Course Development phase. As part of the curriculum development process, all subject matter experts attended a series of Curriculum Excellence Workshops. Each workshop had been designed as a working session with a group of peers. That equipped the subject matter experts with the tools to confidently complete a high quality NAIT standard learning design, working in a collaborative environment.

The presentation would be valuable for all academicians, professionals and researchers involved in the area of construction project management in general. 
Title : The Value Engineering Program in Conestoga College's bachelor of applied technology. (PDF | 2011 | #630)
Author : Julia Biedermann
Description : This presentation provides background on the Conestoga’s Bachelor of Applied Technology program in Architecture – Project and Facility Management (APFM) and the results of the first Value Engineering course offered from both the College and the Region’s perspective.
Author : Jean-René Gagnon, Process engineering Lead and Patrice Quintin, P.Eng, Mechanical engineering lead
Description : The presentation highlighted how PryoGenesis, a world leader in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes, worked with McGill University's Value Engineering Program. PryoGenesis fabricates plasma torches which are in high demand as they use clean electricity to generate high temperatures, replacing the use of fossil fuel torches.  PryoGenesis submitted the optimization of a Gas Cabinet and a Cooling Skid to the McGill Value Engineering program. The Value Engineering study by McGill University engineering students resulted in optimization of the fabrication of the Gas Cabinet and Cooling skids. The students brought new ideas and current knowledge to the project, PryoGenesis brought engineering experience to the study. 
Author : Jean McDermott
Description :

The Ministry of Transportation recently launched a new VA training strategy to:

  • Increase organizational awareness
  • Introduce tools and techniques
  • Promote the use of VA from the ground up

The response has been overwhelming with requests for the training Ontario Public Service wide.

Learn what MTO is doing differently; why the course earned a gold medal from the Canadian Society of Training and Development; and how you can do the same for your organization.

Programme: Value Analysis in Action - Launching a new approach to VA training

Author : Dr. Vincent Thomson
Description : Paper describes how fourth year engineering students can enroll in a Value Engineering workshop that earns them a university credit and a Module I Value Engineering certificate. The papers describe the history and format of the course, the benefits to industry and students, and briefly describes the type of results achieved.