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VM and other Methodologies
Author : Geni Bahar & Joseph Arcaro, iTRANS
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Author : Hank Ball
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The Value Methodology, the oldest, most complete process for identifying problems or improvement opportunities in products, processes or services, has not been adopted nor does it enjoy the visibility of the more popular management tools in today's competitive environment. Total Quality Management, Theory of Constraints, Quality Function Deployment, Design of Experiments, Design for Manufacturing/Assembly, TRIZ, Target Costing, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, etc., are a few of the tools being employed by organizations to resolve problems and improve their bottom line. While these tools may work well within their focus, many lack the broad scope necessary to resolve the overall business concern.

This paper will provide a brief survey of these tools and how they relate to the Value Methodology Job Plan. In many instances the most beneficial management approach would be to employ the value methodology as an overarching approach to addressing management concerns and inserting the appropriate tool when conditions warrant.

Author : James Bolton, PE, CVS-Life, PVM, FSAVE President and Owner Bolton Value Consulting, LLC
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Author : Gill Goyette
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Over the past few years, integrated design processes (IDP) have become increasingly popular with clients. Aware that this type of process will now be part of the real estate project landscape, Value Analysis Canada has created a research project to assess the potential co-existence and contribution of VA to such processes. This conference is a progress report of the research project in question which is due in 2018. The basic principles of IDP as set out by the US Green Building Council and the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (IISBE) are presented along with their respective methodologies. Based on this presentation, the author highlights the potential of Value Analysis to add value to the IDP and to benefit from Value Management. Finally, the conference deals with the human, legal and contractual provisions required for such a process.

Author : D. Paul Scarbrough Ph.D, Professor of Accounting and Control, Goodman School of Business, Brock University
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Project controls enable business to better predict and manage outcomes. Controlling costs can be supported with accounting tools and techniques such as Lean and Six Sigma but controlling outcomes relies on a different sort of control tool. VE is a tool that can be integrated with other business tools  to guide or control project outcomes. This presentation describes how VE works with other business tools for big projects. I focus on the interactions between VE and other business tools when confronting the “big project” issues described by Bent Flyvbjerg

Author : Drew Algase
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Author : George Hunter, Greg Brink
Description : This presentation shows how Road Safety Analysis tools, techniques and benefits can be applied and integrated into VE studies. It highlighted the use of risk management techniques as they relate to road safety analysis, to be incorporated into VE studies. Project performance measurement / analytical hierarchy process (AHP) techniques and processes were integrated with risk-based road safety analyses. 
Author : Walter J. Heimbaugh
Description : This paper focuses on the lessons learned from the US Army Corps of Engineers Northwest Division and the Kansas City District Value Engineers and Project Managers on VE applied to Construction Manager at Risk (CM@Risk) projects.
Author : Lean Enterprise Research Centre
Description : This publication provides an overview and insight into the Value Analysis process. It notes that a Company can not take seriously Total Quality Management without operating a formalized system of Value Analysis. No business that wishes to become lean will ever succeed if product designs remain unchanged because no amount of continuous improvement in the manufacturing process can release the costs of a poor design or a design that has not changed
for many years.
Title : DFMA : A Value Improvement Tool (PDF | 2014 | MEMBER-ONLY | #428)
Author : Chris Tsai, B.Eng., M.eng (Manufacturing Track) Director, DFMA Implementation Services Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.
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As we all know, Value Engineering and Value Analysis (VAVE) can be applied to products, processes, and services to improve the value to the purchaser, user, and/or the provider. This paper focuses on the development and production of products and equipment that are either sold to and used by customers (i.e. computer, digital camera, copier, etc.) or used within the context of a process or service provided to a customer (i.e. instrumentation, printing press, CNC machining center, etc.).

With value being defined as:
providers of products are often very focused on the denominator of the equation as the relationship between cost and price is gross margin. 

Price, in many cases, is controlled by the market in which the product is being sold. Cost, on the other hand, is very much in the control of the provider based on the decisions made during the design of the product. Those same decisions can also directly impact the numerator of the value equation and tend to be the primary focus of the development team (“form, fit, and function”). The concept of “concurrent product and process design” emphasizes the relationship between product design decisions and process design decisions and how together they directly impact the final cost of the project. Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA®) is an analytical approach that brings “concurrent product and process design” from theory into practical application.

The primary focus of Design for Assembly (DFA) is to simplify the design of the product and therefore also simplify the production process. This is done with a heavy emphasis on the part count within any given design concept. Through part count reduction, the assembly process and factory operations are made more efficient and, typically, the unit manufacturing cost (UMC) of a product is greatly reduced while simultaneously improving the inherent quality and reliability of the product (the numerator of the value equation). However, there are instances where part count reduction can actually increase the UMC of the product due to increased complexity in the part manufacturing or fabrication process. Design for Manufacture (DFM) thus provides part cost information which, combined with the DFA data, yields an estimate of UMC. Together, DFMA® enables product development teams to quickly evaluate different product design concepts and make data-based decisions about the product design. If started early in the product development process, this can lead to dramatic improvements in cost, quality, and time to market.
Author : Dr. Azzeddine Oudjehane
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Link to presentation


VE or Value Engineering is generally used in construction project management to present alternatives and strategies that can be implemented to solve problems, decrease cost and optimize quality.The decision making is often related to an optimum cost or value, however, at a time where climate change challenges mandate building resilient and less impactful infrastructure, it is critical for the construction sector to adopt systemic integration of sustainability impact factors to support the approval process of proposed construction projects.In addition to reviewing how the Value Engineering process may integrate sustainable impact factors, this presentation will look at the choice by advantages method (CBA method) to support the decision making of project managers following. Making the case for sustainable construction using mass timber will be showcased using the CBA method evaluation of alternatives.

Participants to this talk are expected to:
• Recognize sustainability impact factors in construction
• Correlate VE evaluation to sustainability in construction
• Define the “Choosing by Advantages” CBA method
• Integrate the CBA method to a VE case study

Title : Value Management and Design Thinking (mp4 | 2020 | MEMBER-ONLY | #528)
Author : Lucie Parrot
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Value Design is the combination of 2 approaches: Value Management and Design Thinking. Both approaches want to fulfill an unsatisfied need and both have tools to do so, but somewhat incomplete. The synergy between the 2 approaches helps professionals/designers achieve even better value when designing a new product, service or process. This presentation will explain quickly what is each approach and how the combination of the 2 allows for a greater leverage of functions, cost and client satisfaction. It focuses on the best tools in each approach and how combining them improves the success of your design project.
