Strategic planning is used to set organizational goals and priorities. Maintaining the status quo is not a viable tactic for organizational survival. Rapid and strategy informed change is necessary for success. This presentation demonstrates how value management can be used to develop a strategy map for an organization. The use of function diagramming establishes the how and why behind the strategy map. By using elements of the VA job plan, your team can agree upon, develop and prioritize strategies and tactics.
City of Calgary Value Management Standard
The City of Calgary had identified a need to replace or renew some downtown fire stations. This presentation shows to asset managers the application of Value Management to develop a strategic asset management plan.
This paper will address how to select the best functions for the Creative Phase. There are three essential elements:
Specific and agreed upon project objectives,
A complete function analysis phase that results in a FAST diagram with the measured resources (cost, time, weight) for each function,
Function selection for the Creative Phase, which means functions are used for creativity.
VA/VE gets its strength by using function oriented thinking to divert the team member’s minds away from specifics. Ideas taken to the Evaluation Phase should also be evaluated by function. Teams need to implement the best ideas that reliably perform the function.