Recent News


January 2025
Depuis plus de 25 ans nous avons entendu dire que les organisations devaient être plus orientée projet. La plupart des organisations ont maintenant un Bureau de Projet-PMO (Program/Project Management Office), mais récemment, dans le monde du projet, la mode est au VMO...

January 2025
For more than 25 years now, we have heard that organization must be more project-oriented, most organizations now have a PMO (Program/Project Management Office), recently, in the project management world, the new “fad” has become value! Everybody talks about the VMO...

December 2024
En cette fin d''année, nous souhaitons prendre un moment pour vous remercier sincèrement de la confiance et du soutien que vous nous avez témoignés tout au long de l''année. Votre fidélité est au cœur de notre succès et nous vous en sommes profondément reconnaissants...

December 2024
For more than 25 years now, we have heard that organization must be more project-oriented, most organizations now have a PMO (Program/Project Management Office), recently, in the project management world, the new “fad” has become value! Everybody talks about the VMO...

November 2024
Everyone is talking about Psychological Safety and the critical impact it has on collaboration and creativity in teams, but how do you foster it? Whether is it your team, your meeting, or your firm, you have the power to influence and cultivate teams and their performance...

October 2024
Watch an Introduction to Value Analysis from Value Analysis Canada and Value University to understand the basics of European Value Management applied to products, processes, project portfolios and infrastructure including...

October 2024
Value Design builds on the strengths of Value Analysis, Design Thinking and Business Analysis to improve outcomes in any business, service, product or project. Based on applied research and development in value analysis, design thinking,and business analysis, Value Design...

October 2024
Value Design builds on the strengths of Value Analysis, Design Thinking and Business Analysis to improve outcomes in any business, service, product or project. Based on applied research and development in value analysis, design thinking,and business analysis, Value Design...

October 2024
Cédric Berger, diplômé Master de l’ESSEC (Paris) en Système d’information et Maître en Sciences économiques, certifié BA Professionnel CBAP® délivré par IIBA® et Value Methodology Associate VMA© délivré par SAVE® International. Depuis 25 ans, il se consacre...

October 2024
SVP retournez-nous votre option avant le 15e octobre 2024. Une fois votre réponse obtenue au , AVC vous enverra la facture appropriée ainsi que le formulaire pour donner les détails à faire paraître dans le répertoire. Si vous avez dit ne...

September 2024
L’intelligence artificielle a pris le monde d’assaut au cours de la dernière année. Des questions ont été soulevées quant à l’impact qu’elle aura sur l’ingénierie de la valeur. L’intelligence artificielle remplacera-t-elle l’ingénierie de la valeur...

September 2024
L’intelligence artificielle a pris le monde d’assaut au cours de la dernière année. Des questions ont été soulevées quant à l’impact qu’elle aura sur l’ingénierie de la valeur. L’intelligence artificielle remplacera-t-elle l’ingénierie de la valeur...

September 2024
L’intelligence artificielle a pris le monde d’assaut au cours de la dernière année. Des questions ont été soulevées quant à l’impact qu’elle aura sur l’ingénierie de la valeur. L’intelligence artificielle remplacera-t-elle l’ingénierie de la valeur...

May 2024
En tant que professionnels de la valeur, nous nous concentrons sur l’obtention de la meilleure valeur pour les projets, les produits ou les processus au profit des utilisateurs/consommateurs, des parties prenantes influentes et des propriétaires/entités en identifiant...

May 2024
En tant que professionnels de la valeur, nous nous concentrons sur l’obtention de la meilleure valeur pour les projets, les produits ou les processus au profit des utilisateurs/consommateurs, des parties prenantes influentes et des propriétaires/entités en identifiant...

May 2024
En tant que professionnels de la valeur, nous nous concentrons sur l’obtention de la meilleure valeur pour les projets, les produits ou les processus au profit des utilisateurs/consommateurs, des parties prenantes influentes et des propriétaires/entités en identifiant...

March 2024
The 2024  Pfeiffer-Wales award for the best McGill Value Engineering project was awarded by Value Analysis Canada to the mechanical engineering student team working on a water supply connector project, supplied by Vortex International. Value Management is a fourth year...

March 2024
La facilitation est l’une des compétences essentielles nécessaires pour gérer efficacement le processus de la méthodologie de la valeur et, en particulier, une équipe d’étude de valeur. Cette session des Voix de valeur abordera l’alignement entre les compétences...

March 2024
La facilitation est l’une des compétences essentielles nécessaires pour gérer efficacement le processus de la méthodologie de la valeur et, en particulier, une équipe d’étude de valeur. Cette session des Voix de valeur abordera l’alignement entre les compétences...

January 2024
Animer une étude de la valeur n’est pas chose facile. C’est pour cette raison que les ateliers avec de nombreuses personnes requièrent la présence d’un co-animateur, pour faciliter la tâche de l’animateur. L’animation des ateliers, pour réaliser de grandes...

January 2024
Value Analysis Canada presented an award at Quebec Infrastructures, for its regular use of the value methodology to optimize its numerous projects, for the last 20 years. In the middle, Mrs. Nathalie Rhéaume, vice-president, Expertise and Project Support receives the awards...

January 2024
Animer une étude de la valeur n’est pas chose facile. C’est pour cette raison que les ateliers avec de nombreuses personnes requièrent la présence d’un co-animateur, pour faciliter la tâche de l’animateur. L’animation des ateliers, pour réaliser de grandes...

November 2023
Want to achieve more with Value Management? Download Value Analysis Canada 30 tips for more value. Gain tips on...

September 2023
Il ne reste qu’une semaine avant de fermer les inscriptions pour le symposium Réaliser de grandes choses avec le management de...

September 2023
Joignez-vous à Analyse de la valeur Canada les mardi 3 octobre, mercredi 4 octobre et jeudi 5 octobre 2023 pour des présentations sur le management de la valeur qui ont permis de Réaliser de grandes choses par le Management de la valeur. Les inscriptions hâtives se...

September 2023
The Municipal Engineers Association of Ontario 2023 Conference will be held from November 14 – 17, 2023 at the Sunbridge Hotel & Conference Centre  in the Village of Point Edward.    

September 2023
Nos commanditaires sont un gage de succès de l’événement. Sans eux, il nous serait difficile de continuer notre mission. Je les remercie personnellement. Vous pouvez voir qui sont nos commanditaires sur le site web d’AV Canada, sur le lien ici. Vous y verrez toute...

September 2023
Dans ce contexte, notre conférencier d’honneur, le mardi, sera Monsieur Steve Tremblay, directeur du déploiement des pratiques intégrées à la Société Québécoise des Infrastructures, une organisation qui a un historique d’études de la valeur datant de plus...

September 2023
Dans ce contexte, notre conférencier d’honneur, le mardi, sera Monsieur Steve Tremblay, directeur du déploiement des pratiques intégrées à la Société Québécoise des Infrastructures, une organisation qui a un historique d’études de la valeur datant de plus...

August 2023
Visitez le site web d’Analyse de la valeur Canada pour tous les détails et l’inscription. Et assurez-vous de réserver ces dates dans votre calendrier pour être avec nous et apprendre comment la valeur peut être créée et livrée, pour un Canada plus compétitif...

July 2023
Il reste de la place pour des conférenciers, à chaque jour : voulez-vous partager avec nous ce que vous avez réalisé lors de vos études de la valeur? Avez-vous développé une manière différente d’utiliser la démarche? Avez-vous obtenu des résultats surprenants...

July 2023
On y présentera comment le management de la valeur peut aider à résoudre des défis dans toutes sortes de situations. Gestionnaires de programmes et de projets, gestionnaires de portefeuilles ou d’actifs, ceux qui prennent des décisions, les innovateurs, le secteur...

June 2023
Dans le but de promouvoir et renforcer l’application du management par la valeur dans les communautés francophones, une entente de partenariat a été signée entre Analyse de la valeur Canada et l’Association française d’analyse de la valeur. En tant que membre...

June 2023
Dans le but de promouvoir et renforcer l’application du management par la valeur dans les communautés francophones, une entente de partenariat a été signée entre Analyse de la valeur Canada et l’Association française d’analyse de la valeur. En tant que membre...

June 2023
Dans le but de promouvoir l’application du management par la valeur dans les communautés francophones, une entente de partenariat a été signée entre les associations de la valeur française et canadienne. Vous verrez donc des actions communes et en tant que membre...

June 2023
Dans le but de promouvoir et renforcer l’application du management par la valeur dans les communautés francophones, une entente de partenariat a été signée entre Analyse de la valeur Canada et l’Association française d’analyse de la valeur. En tant que membre...

May 2023
La collaboration est très à la mode en ce moment, surtout dans l’industrie de la construction. Cependant, elle ne s’acquiert pas facilement et nécessite souvent des efforts soutenus. Avec le télétravail qui s’accentue et qui demeurera une réalité pour les prochaines...

May 2023
La collaboration est très à la mode en ce moment, surtout dans l’industrie de la construction. Cependant, elle ne s’acquiert pas facilement et nécessite souvent des efforts soutenus. Avec le télétravail qui s’accentue et qui demeurera une réalité pour les prochaines...

March 2023
Value Analysis Canada had a great Value Voice webinar again this week. Steve Taylor, P.Eng, CVS-life talked about techniques he uses in value studies, including Value Planning, to make sure you do the right project and a quantitative evaluation methodology, to help evaluation...

March 2023
La diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion sont essentielles à l’élaboration de solutions offrant la meilleure valeur pour tout projet, processus, service ou produit. Pourtant, il peut être difficile d’impliquer de manière significative un groupe diversifié de...

December 2022
The November 2022 Value Voices Webinar video, The Diversity Paradox and the Design of Processes and Objects has been uploaded to YouTube. This webinar demonstrates that facilitated Value Engineering and the language of functions overcome the increased conflict that...

March 2022
Value Engineering class of 2022, McGill University, best presentation award. The winning team was able to improve the transportation of raw material in an Arcelor Mittal plant. Bravo to Majed Abdullah, Emma Armony-Fridman, Shawn Auger, Helen Bitz, Steven Tam and Yuling...

January 2022
Function Analysis is a powerful tool with many uses. It is the perfect approach to identify needs and expectations and prioritize them. We don’t call it “Needs analysis” for nothing. It allows a team to identify what they want to do so a design team can...

September 2021
As a value practitioner for almost 40 years, I have led VM Studies on hundreds of projects in which the goals and objectives of the client are not met by 30% design and, in some cases, 60% design. How does that happen? Fortunately, a VM Study can often use those goals and...

July 2021
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Regardless of what industry or sector you are in, there are no shortage of decisions to be made. Big and small. It often feels like a balancing act with so many factors to consider. When evaluating alternatives, one of the key ingredients...

June 2021
All participants of this event will receive a PDU credit, also recognized by Project Management Institute (PMI),  Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and other professional organizations...

May 2021
Value Analysis Canada invites you to join our webinar series "Value Voices" as we inspire Canadians and friends from around the world to benefit from the use of VM! The inaugural session will tell the story of how the City of Calgary realized benefits from...

February 2021
Value Methodology, also known as Value Engineering (VE) or Value Management (VM) is a systematic and function-based approach to improving the value of products, projects, or processes. It uses a combination of creative and analytical techniques to identify alternative ways...

February 2021
VM gets mentioned in Enbridge's 2020 Innovation Report. Please read more on their external website.

September 2020
Value Analysis Canada is conducting our annual conference/symposium virtually this year. The dates are October 5-7th, 2020. We are also using a ½ day format; 12 pm – 5 pm (Eastern Time Zone). We hope that you can set aside these dates and plan to attend on-line. The...

December 2019
December signals the end to 2019. It’s a great time to reflect on the events over the past year, take extra time to be with your family and friends. It is also a great time to be thankful for residing in Canada with all the freedoms we too often take for granted...

December 2019
Looking for a deliberative method to help your teams balance project objectives with costs. Reaching for a technique that can help you bring stakeholders and subject matter experts together in reaching a common understanding of project needs? Value Analysis (Value Engineering...

June 2019
Rakesh Shreewastav, a member of the Board of Directors of Value Analysis Canada has been appointed to the Board of Directors of The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited (FBCL), as part of the recent Governor in Council (GIC) appointments made by the Government of Canada....

April 2019
The project was the optimisation of a rotational joint, for Vortex International who designs, fabricates and installs water games around the...

December 2018
December signals the end to 2018. It’s a great time to reflect on the events over the past year, take extra time to be with your family and friends. It is also a great time to be thankful for residing in Canada with all the freedoms we too often take for granted...

December 2018
December signals the end to 2018. It?s a great time to reflect on the events over the past year, take extra time to be with your family and friends. It is also a great time to be thankful for residing in Canada with all the freedoms we too often take for granted...

October 2018
The presentations will broadly follow the theme of this year’s Value Symposium: Value in the West. Case studies from Western Canada-based projects will be featured alongside academic presentations, putting the spotlight on the innovative professionals and projects in...

August 2018
Martyn has been conducting value improvement studies worldwide, for both the public and private sectors, for over 25 years. He is a pioneer in the field of value assurance and agile value management. He was recently elected as the Director of Global Affairs for SAVE International...

March 2018
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Robert Charette on February 1st, 2018 in Montreal. He was 86 years old. Bob Charette was the first Canadian to receive the Certified Value Specialist (CVS) designation from SAVE International after the CVS designation was...

February 2018
The February dinner meeting is a joint presentation by Value Analysis Canada (VAC) and the Canadian Institure of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS).  The topic for value professionals at this dinner meeting is Quantity Surveying roles in Value Analysis. It is hoped this...

January 2018
Please find PDF document attached with nomination forms that we encourage each member to fill out and return by email or fax before Monday, January 29, 2018. Also attached is the agenda and how to join the meeting by internet or phone...

December 2017
We take this opportunity to announce that the 2017 conference proceedings can be consulted on our web site. Most of the presentations are there for you to consult and develop your knowledge of VA. It is with pride that we supply this information to you and all those who...

December 2017
The 2nd edition « new and Improved” of the collective work “Value(s) and management” is available now! (In French only, for the moment!)

October 2017
Learn from leading experts in strategic value management, project management, innovation, and business development how applying value management techniques will help your organization to be future ready. Gain insights about innovative and public private partnerships...

July 2017
Each year Value Analysis Canada (formerly the Canadian Society of Value Analysis, CSVA) presents Awards of Merit to honour individuals and organizations recognized for creating value in Canada and across the world through the use, promotion and advancement of the Value...

July 2017
Achieving “value-for-money” in P3 projects. The Public-Private Partnership (P3) procurement model is being used across North America to bring value to projects. Jeff Plant, a former VP with Infrastructure Ontario and now Technical Director on the $4 billion...

June 2017
Value Analysis Canada invites you to share your success in simple and reliable Value Creation with Value Analysis on October 16,17 in Montreal, Quebec. Please notify us of your interest in contributing to Value Creation in Canada by July 6, 2017 at conference@valueanalysis...

May 2017
The first two years of the Value Analysis Canada – Western Group has been a fantastic success, thanks to those who have committed their time, donations and support. During the May 11 dinner, the group’s inaugural director, Hussien Al-Battaineh, Ph.D., P.Eng.,...

May 2017
Promotional Activities: Presentations and training about Value Analysis were given to a variety of groups, including Metrolinx, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC, City of Calgary, and an event in Montreal. A total of over 325 persons were reached...

April 2017
De la Cruz showcased a recent project undertaken by the Calgary Fire Department (CFD). The department had to decide what to do with two aging fire stations in the city’s downtown – replace or rehabilitate? To determine the best infrastructure solution for the...

March 2017
On March 9th, 2017, Value Analysis Canada – Western Group hosted its regular monthly dinner presentation featuring a presentation by James Tan and Darsh Nawaratna from the City of Edmonton Construction Services-Infrastructure Delivery, Integrated Infrastructure Services...

February 2017
Through a close examination of multiple studies on brainstorming techniques and creativity, Ms. Parkis touched on various applications of creativity, presented some key brainstorming techniques, listed major problems associated with brainstorming, and outlined seven principles...

February 2017
A short winter month, then we will see the light as spring approaches! I am encouraged that since the New Year, I have seen a boost in the number of projects and a renewed demand for Value Engineering. I hope this is also true for the Value community all around the world...

January 2017
Leveraging his vast experience in executing, managing, and supervising environmental, energy, utilities and infrastructure projects, Mr. Snodgrass talked about Deloitte’s application of the value analysis methodology and shared success stories. In addition, he touched...

December 2016
First, I was invited to attend the “Process Mappers Day” in the Montreal area, where over 50 persons involved in process mapping were present and listened to very interesting presentations about success stories involving process mapping. These two approaches...

November 2016
On November 10, 2016, Value Analysis Canada – Western Group hosted its regular monthly dinner presentation featuring a talk by Mushtaq Rabbi, one of the most vocal proponents of value management methodology in Western Canada. Currently serving as a Project Management...

October 2016
October is a month when most of us have gone back to a regular schedule after the summer. Activities at Value Analysis Canada are also busy again. We have recently implemented Regions in our Value Analysis Canada structure and the Western region is doing a great job to...

October 2016
On October 20, 2016, Value Analysis Canada – Western Group and CSCE Edmonton hosted a joint dinner presentation with a talk delivered by Hussien Al-Battaineh Ph.D., P.Eng., CVS®, Value Analysis Director – Western Group. His presentation entitled “Groat...

September 2016
End of August, as president of Value Analysis Canada, I was invited to speak at the annual symposium of the Swiss Value Society. This Swiss Society is only a few years old and is working hard to promote the implementation of Value Analysis on projects and in the manufacturing...

August 2016
This month, a lot of us are riveted to our TV screens or tablets following the Olympic events from Rio. Some athletes win, some lose, some participate proudly for their countries, with no real expectation of reaching the podium! Well, it’s the same with we value specialists...

July 2016
July is vacation month for many of us! After working hard all year, many look forward to a well-deserved week or 2 (or 3!), to relax and recharge the batteries.   Despite the down time, it may be more difficult to relax this summer with so much tragedy unfolding...

April 2016
This month (April), ten new persons went to a Mod 1. Of these, 7 had already been in contact with VA and chose to learn more about it. Three had heard about VA and wanted to know what it was. This is good news for VA in Canada. We have so much catching up to do, compare...

February 2016
Value Analysis Canada’s annual strategy session took place a few weeks ago and many topics, challenges and opportunities were discussed and brainstormed. By the end of the day, several projects were identified and prioritized for action. Some initiatives will target...

January 2016
January, 2016 – Hussien Al-Battaineh, Ph.D., P.Eng., CVS© was appointed Director of Western Canada Region of the Value Analysis Canada. Founder and President of EHan Engineering, an Edmonton-based consulting company specialising in value analysis, project management...

December 2015
Meanwhile, Christmas is just 2 weeks away. We would like to use this moment to wish you a very pleasant Holiday Season. We hope you will be able to take some time with your family and friends to have fun, relax and tell them how much you love them. We, at Value Analysis...

April 2015
Areas that typically gain the most benefit from this approach are manufacturing, design and construction projects, as well as business / administration functions. At Altus, we have found the ideal solution for this analysis arises from...

January 2015

August 2014
The City of Toronto released RFP 9117-14-7191 for Value Engineering Services and oversight of a Technical Advisory Committee for the City's Wet Weather Flow System to Control CSO Discharges to the Don River and Central Waterfront project currently in preliminary design....

July 2014
•      In addition to deserving Canadian recipients, the CSVA welcomes nominations for the Stars and Stripes Award, recognizing our American colleagues, who have made significant contributions to the application and advancement of VE/VA in...

July 2014
An interesting article in the online edition of Houston Chronicle, written by an Ottawa based business writer Chirantan Basu,  What Is the Relationship Between Value Engineering & Target Costing explains to business readers the relationship between Value Engineer...

July 2014
On Wednesday July 23, 2014 the Malaysia Star Online  published the article ":Value engineering consultants help developers build better, cheaper projects". The article desscribes the growth of Value Engineering in Malaysia through the efforts of...

April 2014
Value Analysis (VA) is a proven project management best practice and an exceptional decision-making tool to find alternative solutions to problems and achieve best value for money in projects, processes, systems and products. The Canadian Value Symposium 2014 will demonstrate...

January 2014
In a revision of OMB Circular A-131 published Dec. 26 in the Federal Register, OMB tasked agencies with applying value engineering to programs costing more than $5 million -- an increase from the current $1 million -- and with naming an official to be accountable...

November 2013
Value analysis is a proven and effective methodology to support improved decision making and achieve maximum value for money in your projects, programs, services and other investments.  We invite you to attend this international conference and discover how organizations...

May 2013
A new British and European Standard BS EN 16271 on functional performance specification (FPS) was published in January 2013. This standard extends the generic standard on Value Management, BS EN 12973. It covers functional expression of the need and functional performance...

May 2013
What was the search engine in the sixties? Readers Digest! In this communiqué Dr. Axel Peter Ried of Germany tells his fascinating story about his chance encounter with a Readers Digest in 1964 on a train to a University in Switzerland that led him on his journey...

April 2013
We offered over 100 note pads CSVA-20 years of VA in Canada, to attract attendees. Over and above these persons who were in direct contact with us, there are also all those who saw our name and logo and all those who read in the seminar documentation a short description...

April 2013
It is with sadness that the society learned that Dan A. Seni P.Eng., Ph.D., Professor, School of Management, University of Quebec at Montreal, passed away on April 3rd, 2013 in Montreal. Dr. Seni has been  a long time member of the Canadian Society of Value Analysis...

May 2012
CSVA was on display at the 2012 Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) Workshop in Montreal, on May the 7th to the 9th. The theme of the conference was Building Momentum. Canadian Network of Asset Managers brought together municipalities from across Canada to improve...

March 2012
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recently embarked on a modified Value Engineering Study with the full participation of the Red Rock Indian Band. The Red Rock Indian Band community had reached development capacity at its LakeHelen land base on Highway 11 just...

February 2012
This was APMG-International's first Best Practices Showcase in Canada, following successful events in Britain and Australia. APMG certifies project managers in the use of the British Office of Government Commerce (OGC) project, portfolio, and program management tools and...

February 2012
This membership will cost $180 can. The dual member pays $70 less than the current $250 ($100 + $150) to join both societies. This is a great deal that will help those who had to choose between one and the other societies, for any reasons. Now, you can feel patriotic and...

September 2011
The British Government released a white paper on the business benefits of the Management of Value in Sept, 2011. The white paper outlines...

July 2011
CSVA Past-President Ted Lane presented four sessions of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation's award winning Value Analysis in Action training program to 125 City of Calgary staff and managers representing a broad spectrum of the city's business areas. The participants...

November 2010
Twenty-six (26) participants attended the Module 1 training workshop in Toronto this year. The attendees came from as far away as Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay and Ottawa. There was also a good representation from the Toronto area. The group was split into four workgroups...

November 2010
In this year commemorating the 20th anniversary of the tragedy at the Polytechnique Montréal, the Board of Directors of the CSVA wishes to announce that an annual recognition will now be granted each year to a woman who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement...

March 2010
Members of the CSVA from Montreal were invited to attend a supper on Friday, March 19th, 2010, to meet with Guy Brun.  Guy was one of the founders of the CSVA in 1993 as well as the founder of the Association Française pour l'Analyse de la Valeur...

November 2009
Members of the CSVA from the Montreal area hold a supper to meet with Michel Thiry while in transit to Montreal in November 12th,  2009, to present him with the 2008 CSVA Life Achievement award.   In attendance were the CSVA founding president, Berge Tahmazian...

October 2009
2008 CSVA Conference  - "What an awesome CSVA conference"SAVE International InterActions - December 2008See the SAVE InterActions Excerpt

September 2009
2008 Canadian Society of Value Analysis (CSVA) Conference - A Great Success!SAVE GMC Communicator – November 2008See Excerpt from the SAVE GMC Communicator