
You will find below a list of consultants that would be more than happy to assist you with your value analysis project. Feel free to contact them directly for assistance.

Information about services that Value consultants offer to clients is included here to assist organizations in exploring access to VA services. However inclusion in the consultant directory does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty or recommendation by Value Analysis Canada of the products or services, nor of the firm offering service.

If you are a consultant and would like to be added to our directory, please complete our consultant directory information form and email it to us or contact us.

Choose a letter from the following :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | H | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
BT Engineering Inc.
Telephone : 613-228-4813
Contact(s) :

Services : Value Engineering -Value Planning - Facilitation  
EHAN Engineering Ltd.
Telephone : (780) 705-9988
Contact(s) :

Services : The EHan Engineering team specializes in Value Engineering, Risk Management, Asset Management, Constructability Review, Project Management, Infrastructure Management, and Process Improvement (Lean 6-Sigma). 
Telephone : 514-683-3437
Contact(s) :

Services : Value Management, Value Engineering, Risk Management, Failure Mode and Effect analyses, New product development, Function analysis and Functional Performance Specifications (FPS), Bilingual services, training in all of the above, Certified Module 1 Training (VMF1), Certified Module 2 Training (VMF2)
Telephone : 905.943.4443
Contact(s) :

Services : NCE Value Engineers Inc. (NCE) provides innovative value management/value engineering, risk assessment, constructability review, business process modelling, and technical/public facilitation/engagement consulting services throughout North America, the Caribbean, and Asia  
Outcome Consultants Inc
Telephone : 613 729 2402
Contact(s) :

Services : Outcome Consultants Inc. provides engineering, project and construction management services with a particular specialty in remote projects in northern Canada.
Value Management Strategies, Inc.
Telephone : 760-741-5518
Contact(s) :

Services : VMS provides a variety of consulting services, all focused on the management of value, for clients in the public and private sectors. Our skilled professionals are experienced in in- person and virtual facilitation, decision support, business process improvement, organization development, strategic planning, program development, and training.