Creativity: Generating Ideas for Value Improvement

September 20, 2022
16h00 (PST), 17h00 (MST), 19h00 (EST), 20h00 (AST)


Creativity is one of the key phases of the Value Methodology Job Plan. To improve a project or product, numerous ideas are needed. These ideas – which can be thought of as the “sticks and stones” for building a new vision of a project or process – are essential for improvement. This paper presents a brief overview of group dynamics during creativity and what a facilitator needs to be aware of to ensure effective management of a brainstorming session. Numerous puzzles and exercises are presented which can be used to stimulate team members. Detailed explanation and instructions for each are provided. Tips and hints are noted for effective facilitation and to generate ideas.


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Fred Kolano, CVS-LIFE, FSAVE

Fred Kolano has a BS in Industrial Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration. Both from West Virginia University.  He has been a production control engineer, manufacturing superintendent, manager and has been a Certified Value Specialist since 1990. He has facilitated many Value Engineering studies in manufacturing and government. He has worked for Union Carbide and has facilitated many studies for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has also facilitated many process improvement studies.