May 2017
Challenging the Conventional Decision Making Process

Thursday May 11, 2017
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (MST)
Presenter: Tom Fletcher P. Eng. CVS
The inclusion of a formal Value Management/ Engineering (VM/VE) step into the conventional decision making process is not being used to its fullest extent, in Canada and the USA.
The VM/VE methodology has been used successfully for the past 70 years yet it is only being utilized in some business and government sectors, in North America. Traditionally it was used in the manufacturing sector but this methodology been proven to be successful in many environments including capital projects, business process and IT projects, in the public and private sectors.
The unique portion of the VM/VE methodology is to ask the simple question  “What must this product/process do” before you proceed to solution development. Sounds simple but often overlooked, partly due to rapid development expectations in place today.
VM/VE utilises Function Analysis (SAVE International definition) to describe and organize what must be done before proceeding to a solution. This process is also enhanced by the inclusion of a Functional Performance Specification early into the planning process to qualify and quantify the voice of the customer.
Inclusion of VM/VE has many benefits including increased satisfaction of client needs at the best possible price
Fantasyland Hotel 
17700 87 Avenue 
Edmonton, AB T5T 4V4