September 2016
Promoting Value Analysis in Western Canada
On September 22, 2016, Value Analysis Canada – Western Group launched its 2016-2017 Dinner Presentation Series, “Pathways to Value”, with a great talk delivered by Martyn R. Phillips, CVS®-Life, CVM, FICE, FCIWEM, FHKIVM, PVM, P.Eng. His presentation entitled “A Smorgasbord of Value Improvement Applications to Projects Worldwide” showcased a variety of worldwide value engineering applications and listed multiple benefits of the methodology. The presentation was greatly accepted by the audience and generated a lively discussion.
The event took place at Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton with 26 attendees representing provincial and municipal governments, as well as professional organizations interested in applying value engineering.
In pursuit of our mission to promote the application of the value methodologies in Canada for the benefit of governments, industry, practitioners, and society, we welcome your comments and encourage your join the movement. Feel free to contact Hussien Al-Battaineh Ph.D., P.Eng., CVS®, Director of Value Analysis Canada-Western Canada Region for any further information on attending the events and becoming a member of Value Analysis Canada – Western Group.
Our next presentation, schedule for October 20 2016 will be delivered in partnership with CSCE Edmonton. We will discuss the concept of value engineering, look into its applications, and highlight the benefits of the methodology. Furthermore, the presentation will demonstrate how value engineering was applied to the Groat Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project undertaken by the City of Edmonton.
Look forward to seeing you at our next event!