This month (April), ten new persons went to a Mod 1. Of these, 7 had already been in contact with VA and chose to learn more about it. Three had heard about VA and wanted to know what it was. This is good news for VA in Canada. We have so much catching up to do, compare to some other countries. Ten new VA recruits, it’s a drop of water in a bucket; but one drop at a time, you end up filling up the bucket.
One thing that came out of that mod 1 in the Montreal area is that it is difficult for some persons to write a certification exam in English. So at Value Analysis Canada, we will try to negotiate something with SAVE international for translation of exams. No promise, but we’ll try. For all the French speaking Canadians, in Quebec and all over Canada, we will try. But if you feel like it, you may contact the certification board yourself and put some pressure on them. That will help.
Also, SAVE is currently modifying its certification program. When we find out how rules change, we will inform you. A good way of learning about these new rules is to come to the joint VA Canada / SAVE international conference in June, in Niagara Falls. I’ll be there and I look forward to seeing you there also.