2013 Conference Home
Do More with Less!
20 years of VA in Canada
Montreal, Quebec, November 25th and 26th, 2013
“Do more with less” is so true in fiscally challenging times, like that of today. Organizations are challenged to ensure their products, projects, services, programs and processes provide the best value for both money and time spent. Meeting increased demands for quality and cost effectiveness necessitates innovative approaches to project, asset, risk, and value management. Value Analysis is a methodology that can guide you towards maximizing value. VA can help you:
- Save money and achieve value for money;
- Optimize the use of resources by helping decision makers balance key stakeholders needs with resources;
- Improve decision making through objective selection among competing priorities or solutions;
- Deliver services, products and infrastructure under fiscal constraints;
- Increase customer satisfaction, stakeholder engagement and buy-in for change
Sessions included application of Value Analysis (VA) and Risk Analysis in: Infrastructure including Transportation, Product development, Sustainable construction, Risk management, Value added strategies for elected officials, Road safety, Cost estimation and more. The keynote speakers spoke about strategic value management, project and program management and about Quebec’s new guidelines for public infrastructure projects.